Board of Directors

Ronald C. Shidemantle BY173
President/Chairman of the Board
Brother Shidemantle is a past Beta Upsilon Chapter President, and served on the Grand Lodge of Theta Xi Fraternity. Ron served for over 10 years as the Allegheny Regional Director where he received five Regional Director of the Year Awards. Brother Shidemantle is currently the Dean of Students at Bluefield State University in Bluefield, West Virginia, where he provides oversight and management of the Student Affairs program on the campus. During President Shidemantle’s tenure, the Elmer Kaelin Scholarship was established, annual 6294 events have prospered, foundation property has been renovated, the investments and endowment funds from alumni donations have increased, and alumni participation in the foundation continue to grow.

Michael Liptak, KA183
Vice President,
Investment Committee Chairman

John Schmidt, BO181
Finance Committee Chairman

Jim Fantone, BO200
Executive Board Members
Kevin Bussey, Beta Omicron 317
Vito Cedro III, Pi 795
Chad Gigliotti, Beta Sigma 400 – Housing Committee Chairman
Frank Hynds, Beta Kappa 14
Walter MacFann, Beta Sigma 332
Rich Mihalic, Beta Omicron 133
General Board Members
Darren Burns, Beta Sigma 579
Vito Cedro IV, Beta Omicron 446
Nathan Chase, Kappa Tau 696
LaMont Coleman, Beta Sigma 318
Donald Green, Kappa Tau 192
Scott Green, Kappa Tau 715
Mike Guido, Pi 862
Jim Haberthur, Beta Sigma 495
Ron Keyes, Beta Omicron 302
Dan Leech, Beta Omicron 487
Walter MacFann, Beta Sigma 332
Gary Manion, Beta Omicron 253
Justin McAtee, Kappa Tau 820
Larry Sebek, Beta Sigma 315
Jim Smith, Beta Sigma 394
Justin Van Slyke, Kappa Gamma 447
Brad Walker, Beta Upsilon 2
Bernie Weaver, Lambda 716
Jesse Whitlow, Pi 771
Nick Paul, Beta Phi 406 – Student Representative
Members Emeritis

Otto Richter
Brother Richter was a Founding Father of Pi Chapter, and is responsible for making the original bequest of funds that established the Educational Foundation. A self-made millionaire, Brother Richter was a life-long loyal Theta Xi who gave countless hours and service to the betterment of his beloved Theta Xi Fraternity.

Elmer B. Kaelin
Brother Kaelin served with outstanding and infamous distinction for much of the history of the Foundation in top leadership roles, and was instrumental in establishing numerous Chapters throughout the Allegheny District of Theta Xi. Brother Kaelin was granted membership in the Order of the Unicorn, Theta Xi’s highest honor, in 1995. Elmer was without question, one of the most loyal and dedicated of Brothers the Allegheny District has ever produced.
L. Philo Maier
Brother Maier served for many years as an active alumni leader in the Allegheny Region, and was instrumental in the establishment of our Educational Foundation. Brother Maier was selected as the first ever Director Emeritus for his service and positive impact on behalf of countless generations of undergraduate and alumni members in the District.
Adrian Medert
Brother Medert served as Foundation President for many years, particularly in the early development of the Educational Foundation. An outstanding legal mind, Brother Medert was instrumental in many projects and programs that provided for outstanding living and learning Theta Xi residential communities throughout the 1960’s & 1970’s.