Our Mission
The mission of the Theta Xi Educational Foundation of Pittsburgh is to foster, promote, sponsor, aid, and encourage the education of students at institutions of higher learning that have been in the past and are currently affiliated with the Allegheny District of Theta Xi National Fraternity and at such other colleges and universities as the Corporation may from time to time select. Such students, including the initiated and associate members of the Theta Xi Fraternity, shall be assisted, to the degree that facilities and funds of the Foundation are available, to: (A) Achieve and maintain high scholastic standards; (B) Add to their general culture and knowledge with special attention to developing their leadership skills and the ability to cooperate and work in harmony with others, and (C) Maintain themselves while attending the institution of higher learning at which they are currently enrolled.
The Foundation champions the Motto of Theta Xi Fraternity, “Juncti Juvant” which means “United We Serve," by supporting philanthropic efforts throughout the district to raise funds for the national philanthropy, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, or for varying local philanthropic endeavors to support our local chapters.

The Foundation champions the Motto of Theta Xi Fraternity, "Juncti Juvant" which means "United We Serve", by supporting philanthropic efforts throughout Western Pennsylvania to raise tax deductible funds in support of the needs of our community members. Our volunteer-run Foundation continues to support students through providing financial assistance directly in the form of academic scholarships.
It is our distinct privilege to provide support for individual's and community groups in need of service. Community Organizations and students in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia need your help. Thank you for your consideration in support of our efforts to serve our chapters, colleges, communities, and country! Juncti Juvant!

Foundation Chartering
A charter granted on November 14, 1955, by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, pursuant to the provisions of the Non-Profit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of 1933, as amended, provides:
That the name of the corporation is “The Theta Xi Educational Foundation of Pittsburgh” and it shall “exist perpetually.”
That the “corporation does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise, to its members.”
That the purposes for which it is formed are: “To foster, promote, sponsor, aid, and encourage education of students at Carnegie Institute of Technology and such other college and universities as the corporation may select; and generally to use such lawful means as many be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes aforesaid.”
That the corporation is “organized upon a non-stock basis.”
That the “carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or interfering in political campaigns are prohibited.”